Texas Phlebotomy Regulatory

PhlebotomyUSA | Texas | Regulations

Regulatory Compliance at Phlebotomy Training Specialists

At Phlebotomy Training Specialists, we not only prioritize providing top-notch education but also adhere to stringent regulatory standards to ensure the highest quality of our programs. Our commitment to excellence is evident through our compliance with state regulations and approval by the Texas Workforce Commission, Career Schools and Colleges.


Phlebotomy Requirements in Texas

In the state of Texas, phlebotomists are much more likely to obtain employment with proof of successful blood draws and a national certification. Phlebotomy Training Specialists graduates will have both of these things and will be fully prepared to enter the Texas workforce!


Full Compliance with State Regulations

Compliance with state regulations is a cornerstone of our institution. We understand the importance of meeting the requirements set by the state to guarantee a secure and enriching learning environment for our students. Rest assured, at Phlebotomy Training Specialists, we are in full compliance with all state regulations governing our educational programs.


Our commitment to regulatory compliance is a reflection of our dedication to maintaining the highest standards in the field of phlebotomy training. We believe that by meeting and exceeding regulatory expectations, we provide our students with a solid foundation for success in their careers.


Your Assurance of Quality Education

Choosing Phlebotomy Training Specialists means choosing a school that not only excels in delivering comprehensive training but also places a strong emphasis on regulatory compliance. Our state approvals and adherence to state regulations showcase our commitment to providing you with a top-tier education that aligns with industry standards.


Enroll with confidence, knowing that you are joining a program that not only equips you with practical skills and theoretical knowledge but also operates at the highest level of regulatory integrity. Phlebotomy Training Specialists is your pathway to a successful and compliant phlebotomy career.


Take the next step in your educational journey – enroll with us today and experience the difference of a program that goes above and beyond in regulatory compliance and educational excellence.

Admission Requirements

The school does not discriminate based on race, sex, religion, ethnic origin, or disability. Students are required to have a high school diploma or high school equivalency as the minimum entry requirement into the course. In addition, students must also submit a copy of EMT, CNA, MA, CPR/BLS certification, Allied Health training, or Allied Health classes. Some employers may also require proof of employment and it will be the student’s responsibility to comply with employer requirements. We also require students to be beyond the age of compulsory high school attendance.


Although basic computer skills are not required for the course, it is highly encouraged that students have a basic knowledge of computer skills before coming to class in order to make them more competitive candidates for employment upon completion of the seminar.

Notice of Student Complaint Policy Instructions

Texas Workforce Commission – Career Schools and Colleges




Dear Students:
This school has a Certificate of Approval from the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC). The TWC-assigned school numbers are as follows:

  • Richardson, TX: S5897
  • Fort Worth, TX: S6041
  • San Antonio, TX: S6042
  • Austin, TX: S6048
  • Houston, TX: S6097

The school’s programs are approved by TWC, as well as (name(s) of other Texas state agencies, as applicable) and (name(s) of any relevant accrediting bodies).


Students must address their concerns about this school or any of its educational programs by following the grievance process outlined in the school’s catalog. Schools are responsible for ensuring and documenting that all students have received a copy of the school’s grievance procedures and for describing these procedures in the school’s published catalog. If, as a student, you were not provided with this information, please inform school management.


Students dissatisfied with this school’s response to their complaint or who are not able to file a complaint with the school can file a formal complaint with TWC, as well as with other relevant agencies or accreditors, if applicable.
Information on filing a complaint with TWC can be found on TWC’s website at