Supercharge Your Study Sessions With Lo-Fi Music

Supercharge Your Study Sessions With Lo-Fi Music

Lo-Fi music - beats to relax/study to

In recent years, a new type of music has become popular on streaming platforms and YouTube – Lo-Fi music. You may have seen these videos with a cartoon girl studying or with calm aesthetic backgrounds. These tracks have become known for relaxed concentration and focus. But what exactly is Lo-Fi music? How does it help with studying? Let’s explore the calming world of low-fidelity tunes!

What is Lo-Fi Music?

“Lo-Fi” is a term in music that means “low quality.” Instead of being crystal clear, it often includes background noises like the sound of rain, vinyl scratches, or white noise. But these sounds aren’t mistakes – they’re actually a big part of what makes Lo-Fi unique. The music itself is usually very calming, with slow beats, gentle piano tunes, and relaxing rhythms. It’s the kind of music that helps listeners chill out and unwind.

The Science Behind Music and Studying

Studies say music can change how we feel and act. Some people believe that classical music, like Mozart, can make us smarter. While not everyone agrees with this, it’s clear that certain music can help us concentrate better.

For music to help concentration, it usually needs to:

    • Be instrumental or have very few vocals
    • Be consistent in rhythm without sudden loud bursts
    • Provide a calming or neutral emotional tone


Lo-Fi music checks all these boxes. It usually doesn’t have many words, so it doesn’t distract our thinking. The beats repeat and are steady, like calming background noise, helping our brains focus.

Anatomy of Lo-Fi Music

Why Lo-Fi is Perfect for Studying

Here’s why Lo-Fi hits the sweet spot for those long study sessions:

Background Sounds

It has sounds like birds chirping or distant city noises. These sounds help block out other distractions, especially in noisy places.

Steady Beat

The calm and repeating beat helps you focus better, making you really get into your work.

Calm Feel

The music is chill and doesn’t have big emotional ups and downs, so it doesn’t distract you.


It can make you feel calm and less stressed. When you’re relaxed, it’s easier to understand and remember things.


Lo-Fi music is like a calm place to go when things get too busy or stressful. Its steady beats and background sounds help you concentrate, especially when studying. So, if you’re preparing for an exam or working on an assignment, listening to Lo-Fi can help you stay calm and focused.


Here are some playlists we recommend!


For Spotify listeners:

lofi beats

chill lofi study beats

productive study lofi


For Apple Music listeners:

Study lofi

Lo-Fi Chill

Lo-Fi Sunday