All You Need to Know About Varicose Veins

All You Need to Know About Varicose Veins

Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are common and can bother a lot of people. They can hurt, and many people don’t like the way they look. In this article, we’ll explain what they are, why they happen, what they feel like, and how they can be treated.

What are Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins are like swollen, twisted tubes that often look bluish or purplish on your legs. They happen when the valves inside these tubes, which generally keep blood moving toward your heart, become weak or broken. This makes blood collect inside the tubes, causing them to stretch and bulge.

Common Causes

Many things can make varicose veins more likely:

      1. Family History
      2. Getting Older
      3. Being a Woman
      4. Standing or Sitting a Lot
      5. Being Overweight
      6. Pregnancy


Common Symptoms

Varicose veins often cause these symptoms:

    • Visible Veins: Your veins on the legs can look swollen and twisted just under your skin’s surface.
    • Aching or Pain: Your legs might hurt, especially after standing for a long time.
    • Heavy Legs: Your legs might feel heavy and tired.
    • Swelling: Sometimes, your ankles and feet can swell up.
    • Skin Changes: The skin near these veins can change color and become dry or itchy.
    • Complications: They can lead to problems like blood clots or ulcers in severe cases.


Why Remove Varicose Veins?

Although usually not dangerous, generally, people want treatment for three reasons. First, they want to feel better because varicose veins can hurt. Second, they choose to treat them for aesthetic reasons. Lastly, treatment stops potential problems like blood clots or sores, especially when the veins are severe. Deciding to get treatment means thinking about these reasons and talking to healthcare experts for the proper care.
Varicose Veins vs Healthy Veins

Treatment Options

There are various ways to treat varicose veins, depending on how bad they are:

Lifestyle Changes

Regular exercise, keeping a healthy weight, and not standing or sitting too long can help with the symptoms.

Compression Stockings

Special socks called compression stockings can make blood flow better in your legs and make you feel better.

Minimally Invasive Procedures

Some treatments, like endovenous laser treatment (EVLT) and radiofrequency ablation (RFA), use heat to close the bad veins.


In this treatment, they put a special liquid into the vein to close it up and gradually disappear.


Doctors might do surgery for severe cases like vein ligation and stripping to remove the problem veins.


Varicose veins are common and can make your legs hurt and look different. Although they aren’t usually very dangerous, many people still want treatment to feel better or look better. It’s crucial to know what causes these veins, what they feel like, and the ways to treat them. If you think you have varicose veins or they bother you, talk to a doctor to figure out the best way to treat them and keep your legs healthy.