The Healthiest Diet for Your Heart, Proven by Science

The Healthiest Diet for Your Heart, Proven by Science

mediterranean diet to stop heart-related eventsEven since the time of Hippocrates, we’ve known that food fuels health. But we haven’t always known exactly how or why. The Lyon Heart Study, conducted in the 1990s, is a revolutionary study that aimed to answer those questions. This study changed how we view the relationship between diet and health–more specifically, heart health. In this article, we will deep-dive into the Lyon Heart Study and its findings and discuss its usefulness to all.


This study involved 605 people who had already had heart problems. They were divided into two groups: one followed their usual diet, while the other followed the Mediterranean diet. The study planned to go on for five years. Researchers kept a close eye on the participants, monitoring health changes, diet compliance, and heart-related events.

The Mediterranean Diet

As previously mentioned, half of the study participants followed the Mediterranean diet. This diet is inspired by the eating patterns common in regions such as Greece and Italy. There are a few things that make this ultra-healthy diet special, such as:

    • High amounts of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains
    • Eating fish and poultry often, with limited red meat
    • Using olive oil as the main fat source
    • Drinking a small amount of wine, usually with meals


Study Findings

The study’s findings were remarkable. The Mediterranean diet group’s risk of heart disease dropped by 70%. Additionally, they had lower death rates from heart-related issues. Researchers also saw benefits like better cholesterol, improved blood pressure, less inflammation, and better overall health. This research led to the study ending at just 27 months since the benefits of the Mediterranean diet were so clear.

Lyon Heart Study Findings

Key Takeaways

The Lyon Heart Study has been a very important piece of research for many reasons. Here are some of the key things it found that are now implemented across the healthcare field:

    1. The Impact of Diet: It highlights the crucial role of diet in maintaining heart health.
    2. The Effect of Simple Changes: The study shows that even small changes in diet can impact heart health in a big way.
    3. The Way for Future Research: It has paved the way for more studies about diet and heart health.


Small Changes for #HeartHealthyMonth

As we celebrate the upcoming Heart Healthy Month, it’s important to remember that trying heart-healthy habits doesn’t require a whole new way of life. Small changes can make a big difference. Here are some simple swaps inspired by the Mediterranean diet that your heart (and the rest of your body!) will thank you for:

Swap Your Dinner Protein for Fish

Once a week, try having fish like salmon or trout instead of your usual meat. Fish is not only delicious but also full of good-for-your-heart omega-3s.

Use Olive Oil Instead of Butter

When cooking, try using olive oil in place of butter. For example, drizzle olive oil on your vegetables before roasting them, or use it to pan-fry your favorite protein.

Try Trail Mix Instead of Chips

If you love snacking, try replacing chips with a tasty trail mix. Mix your favorite nuts with some dried fruits and even a few dark chocolate chips for a delicious and heart-healthy snack.

Sneak Extra Fruits and Veggies Into Your Meals

Adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet can be easy and yummy. Blend some spinach into your smoothies, add grated carrots to your pasta sauce, or top your pizza with extra veggies.


In conclusion, the Lyon Heart Study is a valuable piece of research that tells us how important dietary choices are to our hearts. The best choices can protect and enhance heart health in a big way. If you feel inspired to make some positive changes in your health, try incorporating elements of the Mediterranean diet. It doesn’t have to be hard or scary. And remember, your heart is the only muscle that never stops working—treat it right!