The Man with the First Artificial Heart

The Man with the First Artificial Heart

Dr. Barney Clark

Imagine being part of a story that changes the way doctors save lives. Dr. Barney Clark was one such person. He made history by being the first to get an artificial heart, called the Jarvik-7. This exciting journey made people think about science, ethics, and how we can make sick people better.

Early Life and Background

Dr. Barney Clark was just like you and me. He grew up, went to school, and became a doctor. He helped people feel better when they were sick. But then, something started going wrong with his own heart. His heart became very weak, and couldn’t pump blood properly.

The Need for an Artificial Heart

Barney’s heart was in really bad shape. It wasn’t pumping blood like it should, and this made him very sick. Imagine your heart as a muscular pump in your chest, pushing blood to all parts of your body. But his pump was getting weaker every day. Ordinary medicines and treatments couldn’t help him anymore. He needed something special to take over for his weak heart.

The Jarvik-7 Artificial Heart

Imagine a heart made of machines and plastic tubes working inside your chest to help your body stay alive. Dr. Robert Jarvik, a medical genius, created a machine heart called the Jarvik-7. It could step in and do the work when a person’s own heart was too weak. It was like having a superhero helper inside your body!

Dr. Barney Clark’s Decision

Barney faced a big decision. He knew the surgery to get the artificial heart was risky. It was something that had never been done before. But he also knew it could help doctors learn a lot about saving people with sick hearts. He was courageous and decided to be a pioneer – someone who goes first to try new things, even when they’re really hard.

The Groundbreaking Surgery

In December 1982, Barney went into a hospital for a very special surgery. The doctors worked for hours to carefully put the machine heart, the Jarvik-7, inside his chest. It was an extensive, complex surgery, but they did it. When Barney woke up, he had a new heart – a machine heart – pumping blood for him.

Jarvik-7 Artificial Heart — AGENT GALLERY CHICAGO

Life with the Artificial Heart

After the surgery, Barney’s life was different. He felt better in some ways but not in others. He couldn’t do everything he used to because he had to stay connected to a big machine all the time. This machine helped his artificial heart work right. It made it hard for him to move around freely, but he didn’t give up.

Legacy and Impact

Dr. Barney Clark’s story made a significant impact in medicine. Even though he passed away a few months after the surgery, his bravery was never forgotten. His journey showed that science could do incredible things, but it also made us think about what’s correct and safe when we use these innovative ideas in medicine.


Dr. Barney Clark’s name will always be in the history of medicine. He wasn’t a superhero, just a regular person who did something truly extraordinary. He helped doctors learn and he inspired all of us to think about science, ethics, and how we can make the world better through medicine.