Why You Crave Certain Foods Before Your Period

Why You Crave Certain Foods Before Your Period

Craving sweets on your periodHave you ever noticed that you crave certain foods, like chocolate or carbs, right before your period? A new study has uncovered a fascinating connection between these cravings and something called “insulin sensitivity.” Let’s break it down in simpler terms.

What Is Insulin Sensitivity?

Think of insulin as a traffic cop for sugar in your body. It helps sugar (glucose) get into your cells so they can use it for energy. When your cells cooperate well with insulin, we say you have “high insulin sensitivity,” and that’s good. It keeps your blood sugar levels stable.

But here’s the twist: insulin sensitivity isn’t the same all month long. The study found that it’s highest just before you ovulate (release an egg) and lowest right before your period.

The Study’s Method

To figure this out, researchers studied the brains of women who have regular menstrual cycles. They used a special spray to give these women insulin and watched how their brains reacted during two different phases of the menstrual cycle: the days before ovulation and the days before their period.

Other studies have given mixed results on blood sugar levels in the past. However, this study showed that blood sugar levels are highest just before your period and lowest right before ovulation. And guess what? That’s when many of us get those intense cravings for food!

What Happens When Insulin Sensitivity Changes?

The study found that in healthy women, insulin works better in their brains during the days leading up to ovulation. But during the premenstrual days, this doesn’t happen as much.

So, what’s the big deal? Well, one expert, Prof. Dr. Nils B. Kroemer, thinks that this drop in insulin sensitivity might explain why we get those food cravings and why our appetite and weight can change before our period.

Why Does Insulin Sensitivity Matter?

Insulin is like a key that unlocks your cells to let glucose in. High insulin sensitivity means the key works well. Low insulin sensitivity, or “insulin resistance,” means the key doesn’t work well, so sugar stays in your blood. That can lead to health issues like prediabetes or even type 2 diabetes.

This study shows that in women without prediabetes or diabetes, insulin sensitivity in their brains can change during the menstrual cycle.

Phases of the "Period"

Craving Sweet Foods Before Your Period

Do you know how you often crave sweets before your period? Well, that’s because the levels of certain hormones drop during this time. Previous studies have suggested that one of these hormones, estrogen, can make your cells more sensitive to insulin.

From an evolutionary point of view, this might have been helpful. By increasing sugar levels during the premenstrual phase, our bodies might have been preparing for pregnancy or dealing with the energy needs of menstruation.

How to Adapt Your Diet and Exercise

Research has shown that people tend to eat differently depending on where they are in their menstrual cycle. Those carb cravings and slight weight gain just before your period are quite common. But the good news is that overall, your weight usually stays about the same, with a bit of weight loss happening around ovulation.

So, what can you do? Some experts suggest adjusting your diet and exercise routines based on your menstrual cycle. This might help you manage your appetite, weight, and overall health better during this time.

Wrapping Up

In summary, this study helps us understand why we crave certain foods and experience changes in our appetite and weight before our period. While more research is needed to confirm these findings, knowing how hormones and insulin sensitivity are linked can lead to better ways of managing our health during our menstrual cycle.