Health & Wellness

The holiday season, meant to be a time of joy and celebration, can also be a period of stress and emotional struggle for many. Studies show that 64 percent of individuals living with a mental illness reported that their conditions worsened around the holidays. Factors...

With the crazy amount of health information and products, knowing what's best for our well-being is often hard. This is particularly true with magnesium, a mineral critical to our health. In this article, we dive into the mineral, exploring its vital bodily functions and learning...

Many might think fainting at the sight of blood is a mere overreaction, but in reality, it's a real phobia. This condition, known as Blood-injury-injection (BII) phobia, involves more than just an emotional response; it can cause a physical reaction, including fainting. Let's dive into...

Vitamin D, often called the "sunshine vitamin," is crucial for our health. However, maintaining adequate levels year-round, especially in winter, can be challenging. This article dives into the significance of Vitamin D, signs of deficiency, and strategies to keep healthy levels, even during the colder...

  When you receive your blood test results, you're presented with a series of numbers and acronyms—RBC, WBC, and Hgb, among others. These are not just random figures but important indicators of your health status. Let's unpack the Complete Blood Count (CBC) and explore what these...

Cold plunges, showers, and the like have been making headlines as a miracle cure-all. They are praised for their ability to do everything from boosting your immune system to elevating your mood.  As a result, many enthusiasts claim that a brisk rinse can answer many...

Gratitude seems simple, but it is a more powerful emotion than you think. Practicing thankfulness has incredible impacts on your health. Seeing the positives in life can lead to many benefits that enhance overall well-being. In this article, we'll learn about the positive effects of...

Have you ever felt dizzy or faint upon standing, experienced a rapid heartbeat, or struggled with unusual tiredness? These can all be signs of something called Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, or POTS for short. It's a condition that affects many people – up to three...

Once confined to the realms of space exploration, red light therapy has transitioned from healing astronauts to a sought-after treatment on Earth. This innovative therapy, also known as photobiomodulation or low-level light therapy, uses specific wavelengths of light to repair cells. It's more than just...

Imagine going for a routine blood test and discovering that, according to standard tests, you don't have a blood type. It sounds like science fiction, right? But for a small number of people, it's a reality. Let us introduce the Bombay phenotype. Named after the city...