Phlebotomy Training Blog

Did you know that your blood type may affect your personality? This belief is popular in Japanese culture despite its lack of scientific backing. Like Western Zodiac signs or Chinese Feng Shui, this system is called "Ketsueki-gata." The term is a combination of "ketsueki" (blood)...

Gratitude seems simple, but it is a more powerful emotion than you think. Practicing thankfulness has incredible impacts on your health. Seeing the positives in life can lead to many benefits that enhance overall well-being. In this article, we'll learn about the positive effects of...

Have you ever felt dizzy or faint upon standing, experienced a rapid heartbeat, or struggled with unusual tiredness? These can all be signs of something called Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, or POTS for short. It's a condition that affects many people – up to three...

Once confined to the realms of space exploration, red light therapy has transitioned from healing astronauts to a sought-after treatment on Earth. This innovative therapy, also known as photobiomodulation or low-level light therapy, uses specific wavelengths of light to repair cells. It's more than just...

Imagine going for a routine blood test and discovering that, according to standard tests, you don't have a blood type. It sounds like science fiction, right? But for a small number of people, it's a reality. Let us introduce the Bombay phenotype. Named after the city...

When it comes to heart attacks, one type called STEMI is particularly serious. It happens when a crucial heart artery suddenly gets blocked, and it can be life-threatening. But there's an interesting twist – an old Chinese remedy called Tongxinluo might have a role to...

November is a special month dedicated to helping people learn about diabetes. This is a health problem that affects many people all over the world. During National Diabetes Month, we focus on understanding this disease, supporting those who have it, and learning how to stay...

When we hear the name Dracula, many of us picture a charming vampire thanks to Bram Stoker's book. But the real-life inspiration for Dracula was a man named Vlad the Impaler. He was nothing like the suave vampire we know from fiction. Vlad III, also...

In the field of medicine, there are some conditions that are incredibly puzzling and rare. Even experienced healthcare experts find them baffling. These are known as mysterious disorders that make it hard for us to grasp how the human body works. Let's dive into some...

Phlebotomy is a super important job in healthcare. It's when skilled people take your blood for medical reasons, like checking your health or helping others by donating blood. But have you ever noticed how they show this in movies, TV, or books? They can show...